Welcome back to the DDS Dental blog, where Dallas dentist Dr. Juan Diaz discusses topics relating to oral health.

This post is all about dental implants, a common periodontal procedure that most of us will consider by the time we reach age 45.

While all dental implants periodontists are dentists, not all dentists are dental implant periodontists. For that reason, it can be difficult to get answers from your provider on dental implant recommendations.

In this article, Dr. Diaz, a dental implants periodontist, will guide an in-depth conversation on dental implant procedures, the dental implants Dallas cost, and why, despite the costs and time intensity associated with this procedure, dental implants are the most cost-effective option for long-term oral health.

A Dental Implant is a Synthetic Tooth Root

Most people aren’t familiar with the term “periodontics”, but it refers to a dental specialty involving the supportive tissues around our teeth. You see, our teeth don’t stay in our mouths by themselves. Our gums and jawbones play important roles in supporting our teeth and keeping them securely in place.

The eventual outcome of untreated or advanced periodontal conditions is the loss of our teeth. Whether the problem stems from a severe infection in our gums or some other ailment, the tooth may be so damaged that it cannot stay securely rooted in our mouths.


Since missing teeth diminish our ability to chew and make people feel self-conscious about their smile. One option for to replace missing teeth is to get a dental implant procedure. As you can see in the diagram above, dental implants are part of a three-part process for replacing a missing tooth.

What does a dental implant look like?

It’s important to note that a dental implant is a small screw placed securely in your jaw, meaning that it is NOT an entire replacement for a missing tooth. The dental implant is responsible for keeping whatever covering you select rooted firmly in place, just like the root of a tooth would.

Once a dental implant is firmly in place, it can then be attached to a connector, also called an “abutment”, and then covered with the selected covering (such as a crown, a bridge, or dentures).

The Dental Implant Procedure and Dental Implant Cost Comparisons

A dental implant must be surgically implanted into the jaw. This requires a tooth extraction (if the tooth is still in place), time taken for measurements and planning for how to place the dental implant, and time for the dental implant to heal before being attached to an abutment and covering. If you want a more in-depth explanation of a dental implant procedure and the dental implant healing stages, read this article.

Dental Implants are highly involved procedures, and for that reason, they’re far more expensive than routine dental care. The costs vary mainly according to two factors:

  • Type of dental implant selected
  • Periodontist vs oral surgeon for implants

Type of Dental Implants Selected

There are three options for dental implants, and they differ according to how and where the dental implant gets places.

  • Endosteal implant (in the bone)

Endosteal implants are more common than subperiosteal implants. These implants are the preferred choice because they can be secured directly into the jawbone and can be used as a step up from removable dentures and bridges.

  • Subperiosteal implant (on the bone)

Subperiosteal implants are more challenging and are the alternative option for patients who are not able to wear removable dentures and who cannot be fitted for an endosteal implant due to low bone weight. These implants are surgically placed on the jaw, along with posts attached into the gums to help keep the implant securely attached.

  • Zygomatic

Zygomatic implants are a last resort option for some patients once conventional implant procedures, including placements, bone grafts, and sinus lifts have failed or are not considered a viable solution. Zygomatic implants involve larger screws placed on both edges of the jawbone, in areas where severe bone resorption has not taken place, providing secure anchoring for the dental implants. Then, 2-4 conventional implants can be placed more securely in the anterior region of the patient’s mouth.

Dental Implants Procedure (and Dental Implants Healing Stages)

 Having dental implants placed is generally an outpatient procedure involving a series of steps, planned according to the patient’s needs:

  • Tooth extraction (if the damaged tooth is still in place)
  • Preparation of supportive tissues (Bone grafting or sinus lift, if needed)
  • Dental implants placement
  • Jawbone healing and fusing to the titanium screw
  • Abutment placing
  • Placement of the restoration (the artificial tooth covering) 

While the dental implant refers to the titanium screw anchoring the artificial tooth into your jawbone, the dental implants process generally refers to all stages between initial dental implant planning and the placement of the restoration.

The dental implant recovery and healing process takes months, primarily because it involves time for your jawbone to heal and fuse to the titanium screw. The immediate dental implant recovery time (the recovery and healing time immediately after the titanium screw is placed) spans 3-6 months and is followed by a few weeks of recovery after the abutment placement. Once the restoration is placed, it requires almost no healing time. At that point, the dental implant procedure is considered complete.

Periodontist vs Oral Surgeon for Implants: What Kind of Dentist Does Implants?

Whereas general dentists can fill cavities and place restorative items like dental crowns and dental bridges, they do not have the specializations needed to do the minor surgeries and advanced qualifications to treat conditions involving your supportive tissues.

So, what kind of dentist does implants? There are two options: dental implant periodontists and oral surgeons. The difference between them is time in dental and medical school. It takes a general dentist an additional three years of study (almost twice the amount of education needed to become a general dentist) to become a periodontist, and it takes even more specialized education to become an oral surgeon.

While the costs associated with dental implants varies by provider, the cost associated with dental implants periodontists is lower than the cost of having the identical procedure conducted by an oral surgeon. While dental implants periodontists don’t necessarily have the qualifications to conduct major surgeries like oral surgeons do, they are fully qualified to offer the more minor surgical procedures required to place conventional dental implants.

But how should you pick between a periodontist vs oral surgeon for implants if you think you might be a more complicated case? You aren’t responsible for making that call. If the dental needs of the patient are highly complicated due to the state of the patient’s oral health (and other health conditions), a dental implant periodontist will refer the patient to an oral surgeon.

If the case is complicated and outside of what can confidently be done by a dental implants periodontist, the provider will refer you to an oral surgeon.

Diaz Dental Studio

Dr. Juan Diaz is a Dallas-area dental implants periodontist with advanced specializations in treating conditions and diseases of the gums and jawbone. He also considers himself to be conservative when it comes to developing treatment plans for patients, meaning that he prefers the least invasive option first and focuses on preventative care. By focusing patient habits and at-home oral hygiene routines, he minimizes the need for more complex and expensive dental procedures, only going that route once it becomes unavoidable.

If you are looking for an implant periodontist in Dallas, Tx, visit our website page on dental implants and dental implant restoration services to learn more!


Filandrianos, Ted. “Did You Know That by Age 50, Americans have lost an Average of 12 Teeth?” Boston Magazine. https://www.bostonmagazine.com/sponsor-content/did-you-know-that-by-age-50-americans-have-lost-an-average-of-12-teeth/#:~:text=Among%20adults%20from%2035%20to,have%20lost%20all%20their%20teeth.

“Dental Implants: What You Should Know.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/dental-devices/dental-implants-what-you-should-know.

“Periodontics/Periodontist.” Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/23461-periodontics-periodontist.

“What are dental implants?” American Academy of Implant Dentistry. https://www.aaid-implant.org/faqs/what-are-dental-implants/.

“Why is a Periodontist Best for Dental Implants?” Center for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry. https://www.aperiodoc.com/why-a-periodontist-is-best-for-dental-implants/.

“Zygomatic Implants.” Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation. https://www.for.org/en/treat/treatment-guidelines/edentulous/treatment-procedures/surgical/surgical-protocols-maxilla/zygomatic-implants.

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